Check In - 8:30am
There will be a QR code for your division at the director's table. Make sure you're logged in, then scan it.
Make sure your camera/QR tool did not open an incognito browser, especially on iPhones. Make sure you're in the right browser. For example, iPhone camera will open a private browsing Safari by default.First Pool Game - 9am
Most tournaments begin at 9am sharp. Please be checked in by 8:30am and on the sand, warmed up and ready to play by 9am. Please read the tournament info page for specifics.
Ref Responsibilities
All teams are required to referee games. They will be highlighted in red in the game list.
Score must be kept live via the website.
One player refs while the other keeps score. Being a good referee is a crucial part of what makes our tournaments fun and high level.
Please read and understand the rulebook and ask other players for help if you need clarification.What if I abandon reffing?
Your membership will be revoked, but able to be purchased again. If tournaments fill, you will be dropped in favor of teams on the waitlist. If you are on the waitlist, you will be at the end. With repeat offenses directors may ban you from their beach.
End of Pool / Start of Playoffs - Mid Day
Timing depends on size of tournament. Check that all your pool scores are accurate. Ranking rules are in the rulebook - point differential is an important tiebreaker.
The director will validate your pool results to populate the playoff bracket. Different beaches take different numbers of teams to playoffs. You can check the Playoffs tab, once available, to see how your playoffs look.When can I leave?
You must check with your director before leaving. Generally, if your pool is complete and you are not in playoffs you will be cleared. If you lose a game in playoffs, you will need to ref another playoff game before being cleared.